Carry out
a complete assessment
of the health and balance of your soil


  • 3-Biom
  • + Expert
  • + Ecotoxicity
  • 3-Biom

    Parameters analysed: Microorganisms (total, living active, in dormancy and dead), bacteria (total, living active, in dormancy and dead), fungi (total, living active, in dormancy and dead), ratio of fungi to bacteria, protists (total, living active, in dormancy and dead), SBS rate.
  • Expert

    Parameters analysed: ESSENTIEL + Exchangeable calcium, Exchangeable potassium, Exchangeable magnesium (Olsen method), Exchangeable phosphorus (Olsen method), Exchangeable trace elements EDTA (Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn)
  • Ecotoxicity

    Heavy metals Phytosanitary residues